Equitable Schools Fund Volunteer Team Kickoff

Sister Cities Project / Equitable Schools Fund Volunteer Team Kickoff

Equitable Schools Fund Volunteer Team Kickoff


Join us at the Volunteer Team Kickoff for the Equitable Schools Fund! We’re building a team of passionate volunteers who are ready to take action to address equity in our K-12 public schools.

Tuesday, January 14
Solana Beach



Here’s what to expect:

  • Connect and mingle with an inspiring group of folks from across our community
  • Learn all about the Equitable Schools Fund and the volunteer roles available
  • Find the perfect opportunity to put your skills and passions to work, and details on how to get started
  • Enjoy snacks and drinks in a welcoming atmosphere and get excited for next steps

We have all kinds of roles — from dreaming up new initiatives to organizing events to building partnerships to critical admin support. If you’re ready to get involved, there’s a place for you on this team.

More about the Equitable Schools Fund

We all want the best for our children and our schools. Many of us support our local schools through generous personal donations, showing how deeply we care about education in our community. Now there’s a simple and meaningful way to extend this spirit of supporting education to schools across San Diego.

The Equitable Schools Fund, by Sister Cities Project, introduces an innovative approach to education funding in San Diego: for the first time, a dedicated pathway for us to direct donations to public schools that historically have not had access to private donations to supplement inadequate state funds.

Together, let’s build on our commitment to supporting education and create a school system that helps every child in San Diego reach their full potential. When all our schools thrive, San Diego thrives. Join us in supporting education for every San Diego student.

Date: November 2, 2024
Duration: 74 Days