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Why we are so necessary right now

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Join us for the Sister Cities Project Inaugural San Diego Black Women Entrepreneur Summit.

Areas of Impact

Our investment structure starts with 3 major areas of impact

Cultural Exchanges/Events

Our signature service, Sister Cities is based on the idea that better relationships must be forged between black and white people. Our events are created to provide safe environments for true engagement.

Business Growth

We’re providing support to black business owners and entrepreneurs in underserved communities to provide valuable business tools and networking opportunities through an ecosystem of service providers.

Workforce Development

We create Workforce Development programs that create a true pipeline toward a career for black youth in underserved communities providing opportunities both inside and outside their current communities. 

Community Partners

Sister Cities Project was created to be a conduit that brings white and black people together that are interested in taking action toward breaking down old barriers, systems and divisions that exist in America.