This Fall Sister Cities Project is encouraging you to get to know Southeastern San Diego. 3+ years ago, I founded Sister Cities Project to help partner affluent communities with under-served communities in San Diego. If you are new to our network, here’s a short summary of what that means: Sister Cities Project Idea
As we evolve, so have our Sister Cities. In this newsletter I want to share more about Southeastern San Diego and encourage our North County supporters to visit, engage and contribute to the economy in this culturally rich neighborhood.
What’s in a name? Did you know it’s “Southeastern San Diego”, not “Southeast”?
Most of us don’t realize that locals refer to this culturally rich neighborhood as Southeastern San Diego. The previous label “Southeast” was designated by a district police map. Southeastern San Diego is not defined by policing or outdated statistics about crime. Southeastern San Diego refers to a community that historically and today, thrives as a center of Black History, Culture, Arts and Innovation in San Diego. Part of Sister Cities Project mission is to normalize relationships between residents of North County and Southeastern San Diego.
Did you know that Southeastern San Diego is on the San Diego Tourism Website? Be a local tourist and come visit. Find out about events and eateries in the SD Tourism site clip here below.
In June of 2022, San Diego designated a Black Arts and Culture District in Southeastern San Diego. This organization has a mission to establish a Black arts and culture renaissance that revitalizes Black hospitality, economic empowerment, and commerce. Awakening a common ground where Black people name, define, speak, and create for themselves, and raise the level of appreciation for Black arts and culture in San Diego. Check out more in this link and video about Southeastern San Diego’s Mile of Murals. Then visit!
Project New Village – Get to know an organization that has been working for 20+ years to bring fresh produce to Southeastern San Diego. Imagine that you have to drive 3 freeway exits away, to find fresh lettuce or a bag of apples. There are no Vons, Albertsons, Trader Joes anywhere in sight. Project New Village is raising money to build a Community Food HUB in Southeastern San Diego. They have put a mobile produce market into the Community at events to make fresh produce available. Large grocery chains will not invest in Southeastern San Diego. Our Sister City partners have to literally build these kinds of resources from the ground up.
This week, the San Diego County Livewell Program opened its first Livewell Center in Southeastern San Diego. This kind of investment in community health and well-being is significant because it is providing resources and a space that was designed with input from the local community. Read more and watch the clip by clicking on the image below.
If you are working remotely, you can meet in Southeastern San Diego at one of many coffee shops or restaurants. Meet with colleagues, brainstorm with a partner, or just stop in for a cup! Cafe X, By Any Beans Necessary, is more than Coffee. It’s Movement. Like so many Southeastern San Diego businesses, this is about Community building. Find out more here and support their business and their Community. https://www.
My message to you with this Fall Newsletter, is to get out and visit our Sister Cities. Meet the people. Eat at the restaurants. Volunteer and work along side people who live in Southeastern San Diego. Or, just take a drive and enjoy the historic Murals along Imperial Avenue in the newly designated Black Arts and Culture District. This is a simple first step all of us can take to normalize relations between black and white people in north county and southeastern San Diego. It’s easier than you think!
Our impact work requires resources. We are a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. Please consider joining our transformative journey towards racial equity by supporting our Impact Funds.
Thank you for being here!
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